The Marked Reduction in Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation During Early Mobilization After Cardiac Surgery: The Effect of Posture or Exercise? 心脏手术后早期活动时混合静脉血氧饱和度显著下降:体位或锻炼的影响?
Security of transesophageal arterial oxygen saturation monitoring: an experimental study 经食管监测动脉血氧饱和度安全性的实验研究
New Real-time Method for Pulse Wave Process and Pulse Rate Estimation in Dynamic Measurement of Pulse Oxygen Saturation 动态血氧监测中脉搏波处理和脉率提取新方法
Monitoring of fetal oxygen saturation rate during intrapartum 产程中胎儿血氧饱和度监测的临床研究
Conclusion The formula for detection and measurement of oxygen saturation is put forward by using Reflectance Oxygen Saturation Detection System. 结论:给出了利用反射式氧饱和度检测系统测量和计算血氧饱和度的经验公式。
Blood Oxygen Saturation Measurement Based on Volume Signal Analysis 基于容积波分析的血氧饱和度测量系统
Effects of Composite Salvia Miltiorrhiza Injection on Lactate and Central Venous Oxygen Saturation for Cardiac Shock Patient 复方丹参注射液对心源性休克患者乳酸、ScvO2影响的研究
The Significance of Pulse Oxygen Saturation Monitoring in the Prehospital Rescue of Acute Left Heart Failure 脉搏氧饱和度监测在急性左心衰院前急救中的意义
The module adopts transmission type oxygen saturation sensor. Main memory cycle time has bottomed out. 该模块采用透射型血氧饱和度传感器.主存贮器的周期已趋饱和。
Blood Oxygen Saturation Detecting System Based on MSP430 基于MSP430的血氧检测系统的研究
The measurement of serum lactate levels, coagulation profiles and mixed venous oxygen saturation could provide quantitation of the severity of the sepsis. 血清乳酸值、凝血系统的评估以及混合静脉血氧饱和度的测量可以提供败血症严重性的数据。
The Study of Blood Oxygen Saturation Measurement Based on Pulse Wave 基于脉搏波的血氧饱和度检测算法的研究
Effects of ultrashort wave therapy on oxygen saturation in patients with high altitude pulmonary edema 超短波治疗对高原肺水肿患者氧饱和度的影响
Application of Pulse Oxygen Saturation Monitoring in Cardiovascular Disease 脉搏血氧饱和度监测在心血管疾病中的应用
The pulse oximeter is a noninvasive monitor attached to the patient's finger or earlobe to measure oxygen saturation continuously. 脉氧仪显示病人氧饱和度,这是一种非侵入式监测仪,套在病人指头或耳垂上连续监测氧饱和度。
Research of the Muscle Oxygen Saturation Monitor Instrument Based on ARM 基于ARM系统的肌肉血氧检测仪的研究
Non-invasive measurement of blood oxygen saturation has been widely used in clinic medicine. 血氧饱和度的无创检测己在临床医学中得到广泛应用。
Studies on Non-invasive and Wireless Monitoring System of Oxygen Saturation of Blood 无创血氧饱和度的测量及无线监测系统的研制
And heart rate, respiration and blood oxygen saturation of patients in test group were more stable. 不雅观察组病平易近心率、呼吸及血氧饱和度较斗劲组平稳。
Detection and treatment of regional cerebral oxygen saturation in apnea of premature infant 早产儿呼吸暂停局部脑组织氧监测和处理
Comparative study of measuring pulse blood oxygen saturation and osteofascial compartmental pressure in forecasting osteofascial compartmental syndrome 血氧饱和度监测与骨筋膜室内压测量在骨筋膜室综合征中的相关研究
Study on Relationship of percutaneous and Arterial Blood Oxygen Saturation 经皮和动脉血氧饱和度关系的研究
Preliminary Investigation of Blood Oxygen Saturation and its Comparison before and after Exercise at High Altitude 高原血氧饱和度初步调查及运动前后比较
The Pulmonary Arterial Oxygen Saturation Monitoring via Trachea in Hypoxia Dogs 经气管监测缺氧时肺动脉血氧饱和度的动物实验研究
The research on the relationship between the sleep apnea index and nighttime oxygen saturation 睡眠呼吸暂停指数与夜间血氧饱和度的相关关系
With high speed development of biomedical, monitoring arterial oxygen saturation in the blood become more and more important in clinical medicine. 随着生物医学的高速发展,对血氧饱和度的监测已成为临床应用中一项重要参数。
Near-Infrared Spectral Study on Blood Oxygen Saturation in Multilayer Tissue 利用近红外光谱检测多层组织血氧饱和度的研究
Postoperative oxygen saturation and pulse rate were similar in the two groups. 手术后的氧饱和度和脉搏在两组之间相似。